It’s supposed to be the first day of spring today.
Instead, it looks like winter is coming back for another blast.
After a sunny morning, it’s turned cloudy.
The forecast calls for snow and blowing snow, northeast winds 30 km/hr gusting to 50, a low of minus 20 degrees Celsius tonight and a wind chill of minus 28.
We’re not expected to see daytime temperatures go above freezing until well into next week, nor overnight lows above freezing until sometime in April.
The past two weeks were so nice, too, in contrast with the minus 30 lows that ushered in the month.
I thought that if March came in like a lion, it was supposed to go out like a lamb!
Saskatoon can look quite pleasant in the snow, though. Just try not to think about how cold it can be.
But at these latitudes, the “blue hour” in wintertime can be more like a blue 10 minutes.
Not much time to get a wintry photo with the right light before everything turns a sickly orange from the sodium vapour street lamps.
It doesn’t help that the city won’t turn on their seasonal decorations until after the good light is gone.
Oh, but it was cold that night, even if it doesn’t look it!