It’s too bad we couldn’t be at the Western Magazine Awards gala in Vancouver this evening.

I had been to two awards banquets previously. Each was a marvellous affair, an opportunity to socialize with some of Western Canada’s excellent and dedicated writers, photographers, editors, art directors and others who contribute to the success of publishing.
But, we couldn’t get away. So, instead, we were following along on the WMA’s Twitter feed, when this appeared:
The article was about Ghostown Blues, a wonderful, relaxing place in Maple Creek, where you get to stay in a genuine sheep herder’s wagon or a hundred-year-old cowboy line cabin. All modernly comfortable, of course, including WiFi Internet. You can read the article online.
It really is an honour to be recognized among the great talent as we see at these awards.
Every writer’s talent shines because of the support they receive from their editor, and every photographer from their art director, so I thank Sheila Hansen and Gayleen Whiting for their encouragement and influence, and, of course, everyone at Westworld Saskatchewan and Canada Wide Media for making these awards what they are.
My previous nominations were for an article in 2009 about the Great Annual Saskatchewan Pedal (GASP) provincial bicycle tour and an article in 2010 about winter camping in Prince Albert National Park.
It’s always a good feeling to be recognized by your peers!